Saturday, August 16, 2008

Raksha Bandhan - a divine realization

My lovely sisters! Muah

When love exposed Itself

In the dawn of the mankind, some souls evolved
And from ignorance they constructed the era divine
Of thought, of love; of reason and of goal
To evolve till the breath is fresh
To strive till our smell's the best
Emotions played the trick in lovely His & Her

The world continued to survive; if on the beats of seers
Different were their figures, different were the colours
One strong, one weak; but all in the same street
Confused were all at the progeny of those
Who controlled the weak and slaughtered the sweet

As next to night, the light wetted the world
Bringing new joys & thorns among the roses of dawn
When relations blossomed from the unresolved strings
Soon making the death knot for the selfish strides of pleasure
A life evolved with a soul slashed in two
All wondered at a beauty but questioned it's who

And they came down to us as brothers-sisters together

Love defines the lines invisible to those
Who do not step into this world of our own
The softness may not be known to them
Large whose hearts are not amidst worldly roars

O dear Ladies! I am glad I've know you all
In pieces or whole, in smell or echoes of soul
Here I am now to say to all my lovely sissies
I hope I'll be there; when you need a slap or lovely kisses

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